By Trims and Blends

Using the Set Driven Key authority, you can interactively block the assessment of the NodeState attributes of trims and blends. Setting the NodeState attribute of the ffFilletSrfn node to Blocking and the NodeState attribute of the Trimw node to HasNoEffect, you can use trims and blends in character animation on a limited basis. I more often than not use this method to attach the eyelids to a
NURBS modeled face. Here are the steps:

1. Choose the blends, and then open the Attribute Editor.
2. Click the FfFilletSrfr? Tab, and then click the choose key.
3. Decide Windows General Controls ChannelControl,anddisplaythisnode'sNodeState characteristic in the Channel box.
You can at the present set the NodeState attribute to Blocking. By connecting the NodeState attribute to a tradition integer attribute on one of your animation controls using Set Driven Key, you can control the display of all your blends at once. You can do the equal for your trims by selecting the trimmed object, clicking the Trlrrm tab, loading that into the Channel box. And displaying the trim's NodeState attribute. However this time, set the NodeState attribute to Has No Effect, which basically turns off its assessment, thus speeding up the interactive presentation of your animation controls.

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